C&T's Net Zero Policy for Polypropylene drawropes

July 22, 2024


Cable and Things Ltd. is steadfast in our commitment to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Our dedication to sustainability is reflected in our PP rope products, where we strive to minimize environmental impact across their entire lifecycle. This policy outlines our specific goals and actionable steps towards achieving net zero emissions, particularly focusing on production, distribution, and end-of-life management of PP ropes.


This policy covers all activities related to the production, distribution, and disposal of PP ropes. It applies to our operations, including collaboration with suppliers, logistics, and customer interactions.


  1. Net Zero by 2050: Achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across all stages of the PP rope lifecycle by 2050.
  2. Interim Target: Reduce the carbon footprint of our PP rope production and distribution by 40% by 2030, using 2024 as the baseline year.
  3. Circular Economy: Enhance the recycling and reuse of PP ropes and reels to promote a circular economy, reducing waste and resource consumption.

Key Strategies and Actions

  1. Reducing Emissions in Production
    • Energy Efficiency: Partner with suppliers who utilize energy-efficient manufacturing processes. Emphasize the use of recycled materials to lower the need for new plastic production, thereby reducing emissions.
    • Innovative Materials: Research and develop more sustainable materials, such as incorporating 20% cotton into traditional PP ropes to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  2. Recycling and Waste Management
    • Take-Back Program: Implement a take-back program for used PP ropes and reels. Encourage customers to return these items for recycling to minimize waste and support resource recovery.
    • Supplier Collaboration: Work with suppliers to ship back used plastic reels, enabling their reuse in new product manufacturing. This initiative reduces waste and supports a circular production model.
    • Specialized Recycling: Partner with specialized recycling facilities to ensure that used PP ropes are processed efficiently and responsibly, maximizing material recovery.
  3. Waste Reduction Initiatives
    • Packaging: Design packaging to minimize volume and weight, ensuring it is the minimum necessary to protect the product. Strive to eliminate single-use plastics, unless required for safety or hygiene, and use alternative materials that are recycled or certified to responsible standards.
    • Local Sourcing: Where feasible, source materials and conduct production activities close to the UK to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation.
  4. Sustainable Logistics
    • Optimized Distribution: Utilize our existing fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) for local deliveries and explore further optimization of logistics and routing to reduce emissions.
    • Sustainable Transport Options: Promote the use of public transportation, carpooling, and other eco-friendly commuting options for employees.
  5. Product Design Innovation
    • Material Alternatives: Explore the development of biodegradable or more sustainable alternatives to traditional PP ropes, focusing on integrating materials that reduce environmental impact.
    • Recyclable Overpack: Investigate 100% recyclable overpack film options to enhance sustainability in our packaging.
  6. Stakeholder Engagement
    • Supplier Partnerships: Collaborate with suppliers to align their practices with our net zero goals and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices.
    • Customer Awareness: Communicate our sustainability initiatives to customers and provide guidance on the proper disposal and recycling of PP ropes.
  7. Monitoring and Reporting
    • Progress Tracking: Regularly monitor and report on our progress towards net zero targets, using recognized frameworks like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
    • Continuous Improvement: Adjust strategies based on progress, technological advancements, and new insights to ensure ongoing improvement.


  • Sustainability Oversight: The Sustainability Committee, led by senior management, will oversee the implementation and progress of this policy. The committee will meet quarterly to review our initiatives and recommend improvements.
  • Annual Reporting: An annual sustainability report will be published, detailing our achievements and setting out future plans.


Cable and Things Ltd. is dedicated to leading the way to a sustainable future. Through our commitment to achieving net zero emissions and the specific actions outlined in this policy, we aim to create a positive environmental impact, support our customers' sustainability goals, and inspire other companies to adopt similar practices. Our Net Zero Policy for PP Rope reflects our dedication to sustainability for our company, stakeholders, and the planet.

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